< St. Jude Medical Center

Frequently Asked Questions

For more than sixty years, St. Jude Memorial Foundation has been connecting donors with giving opportunities. Your support is sincerely appreciated.



Q: Is Providence St. Jude Memorial Foundation a 501(c)(3) organization?

A:  Yes. Providence St. Jude Memorial Foundation was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) organization in May 1957.

Q: What is Providence St. Jude Memorial Foundation's tax identification number (TIN)?

A: The Providence St. Jude Memorial Foundation’s Federal TIN or EIN is 95-1643325.

Q: How much does the Providence St. Jude Memorial Foundation spend on fundraising?

A: Providence St. Jude Memorial Foundation strives to spend less than 20 cents on fundraising administration for every dollar raised.

Q: How does that compare to the national average?

A: When compared to the national average of 25 cents for community hospitals, Providence St. Jude Memorial Foundation continues to range below the average.

Q: How is my gift used?

A: All donated funds are used exclusively for programs that have a direct, positive impact on the health and well-being of our community. Each gift received — regardless of amount — is carefully processed to ensure that the donors’ wishes are honored and that Providence St. Jude receives the maximum benefit.

Q: May I direct my gift to a specific department or program at Providence St. Jude Medical Center?

A: Yes, donors at any level may designate to a specific institute or a fund supporting a Providence St. Jude initiative that best matches their area of interest. Donors also have the opportunity to give to where the need is greatest.

Q: Is my gift tax-deductible?

A: While contributions to the Providence St. Jude Memorial Foundation are considered tax-deductible, individual circumstances vary depending on a donor’s financial situation. You should consult with your tax attorney/advisor concerning the deductibility of your gift.

Q: May I apply for a grant from Providence St. Jude Memorial Foundation?

A: Providence St. Jude Memorial Foundation is not a grant-making foundation. We raise funds specifically to support the programs and initiatives of Providence St. Jude Medical Center.

Q: I know that Providence St. Jude Memorial Foundation has a Community Benefit Program. How is that different?

A: Providence St. Jude Memorial Foundation’s Care for the Poor initiative increases medical access and prevention services to the most vulnerable in our community with a special focus on those living in poverty. Philanthropy expands these vitally-needed services, such as medical, dental and behavioral health visits for the uninsured/underinsured; senior services; obesity prevention and healthy lifestyles programs for youth and families; and homeless support services.

Q: What happens with my information after I give to the Providence St. Jude Memorial Foundation?

A: Personal and financial information pertaining to our contributors is not disclosed by the Providence St. Jude Memorial Foundation except as may be required by law

Donate Today

Together, we can provide care that transforms lives, now and for years to come.

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Give in honor of our doctors
who change lives every day.

Your gift provides hope.

Contact Us

Call: 714-992-3033
Address: 100 W. Valencia Mesa Drive, Fullerton, CA 92835
Email: SJMF@providence.org

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