Neighbors Helping Neighbors
A Concert on the Hill

Neighbors Helping Neighbors
A Concert on the Hill
Date: Thursday, May 11, 2023
The Neighbors Helping Neighbors: A Concert on the Hill event was a remarkable success raising over $164,000 in support of the St. Jude Neighborhood Health Center in Ponderosa Park! Your support will help thousands of families have access to quality health care as 100% of the event proceeds will benefit the cause.
Join us for next year’s event on Thursday, May 2, 2024!
Thank you to our sponsors!
Neighborhood Supporter
Dianne Krallman
John & Jeanette Svet
OC Elder Law, Thad & Ann Sandford, Steve & Barby Straub
Friends and Neighbors
Canterbury Consulting
Lighthouse Financial Services
Maskell Rigging
Morningside of Fullerton
Thomas Myers & Patricia Speer
Arborland Montessori Children’s Academy
Terry Pratt Brick
Allan & Janet Bridgford
Dennis J. Buchanan, MD
Steve & Kathy Godbey Family
Al & Alice Gresto
House of Imports Mercedes Benz
Honorable Peggy Huang & Dr. James Huang
Mark & Kris Jablonski
The Leyton Family
CENTURY 21 Discovery – Joe and Suzy Lins
Feedy & Susan Mares
Haydee Mollura
Shin Imaging
Carolyn Mabie & Thomas Toby