< St. Jude Medical Center


With the generous support of our donors, we are impacting lives here in Orange County every day.



“The doctors and nurses didn’t simply watch me fight, they fought with me and their emotional investment in my recovery was amazing,”

Expanding senior services

Funds from St. Jude’s Emergency Response & Recovery Campaign are helping equip and expand the hospital’s Caring Neighbors Program — an initiative that assists frail and isolated seniors with services such as coordinating health appointments, grocery shopping or providing companionship.

As the outbreak of COVID-19 caused the shutting down of businesses, services and daily life, older adults in our community were left particularly vulnerable. Not only was this population most at risk from the virus itself, but also from the dangers of social isolation and depression. 

By mid-March, St. Jude Senior Services saw a spike in Caring Neighbor participants from 65 to more than 400 at-risk seniors. Donations are helping serve this increase in demand, while providing enhanced resources to the staff and more than 80 volunteers who administer the program. 

“Because of the community’s generosity, more seniors will benefit from a greater range of services, such as lending iPads for telehealth appointments or providing comfort items to help fight depression,” says Karyl Dupée, Clinical Supervisor, Senior Services and Community Care Navigation. “We are so blessed for this community, which cares so much for its vulnerable neighbors.”

Learn more about how St. Jude Medical Center is caring for its community and how you can make a difference by contacting the Memorial Foundation at (714) 992-3033 or email SJMF@stjoe.org.

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Investing In The Future

Investing In The Future

A prolific philanthropist, Richard’s gratitude made him a loyal supporter of Providence St. Jude Medical Center for the past 25 years.

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Call: 714-992-3033
Address: 100 W. Valencia Mesa Drive, Fullerton, CA 92835
Email: SJMF@providence.org

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